2023 Daily Blog: A Need For Normalcy

Thinking back over the past five or six years, I reflected on how much of that time was constant chaos. Drama on a national level every day it seemed. I don’t want to make any political comment or judgement but it has felt like the dominating subject.

I’m hoping this year will be one of normalcy, a return to reason and common sense for all. It’s as if I forgot what it was like to just have a good day, just one would suffice from time to time.

I don’t need to make harrowing life or death decisions on a daily basis.
I don’t need to worry day after day if I will have a job tomorrow.
I don’t want to be cautious of every person I speak to as if they are about to turn on me for some trivial whim.
I want normalcy again.

I hear myself say that..I see myself write it. What exactly is normalcy? For me, it’s the illusion that things happen with purpose, decisions are made with potential consequence. Things have to make sense.

Today’s post is obviously a bit of a ramble, but I posted.